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http://www.laureatechemical.com/contact.html Laureate Chemical Company http://www.laureatechemical.com/images/corpimg.png No.2, Lane 195, Ren-Ai Rd. Yungho District, New Taipei City, Taiwan $ 02-8923-3908 Laureate Chemical Company was established in 1978, Taipei, Taiwan, which initially started with metal and plastic plating chemical in domestic market, go to the evolution of 1990 as to trade with chemical industrial customers overseas in Germany, Japan, Malaysia, Indonesia and Vietnam. Laureate chemical insist to provide quality product and best service to our clients. In order to meet the growing client demands, Laureate chemical has set up branch office (Guangdong, China) in 2004.The extensive chemical product line includes pretreatment chemical-Pre-etch PE3, GE-903 surface adjust(Cleaner), SCR-9, Connector, Surface adjust agent, Catalista and Accelerator, Electroless copper, Electroless nickel; Copper Brightener, Semi-bright Nickel, Nickel Brightener, Microporous-Nickel, Satin Nickel, Levelnon-Ni, Whitebronze 830, Anti-pit, DC505, Tin-Cobalt Alloy, Tin-Nickel Alloy, TC501 chromatic additive, Anti-mist, Thri-chrome ; and other chemical products for special treatment - Rip agent, Probrite-AG, Nichem-Ni, HG-928, which have maximum functionality to strengthen plating result.太湖行有限公司專營化工表面處理藥品,創立於西元1978年,迄今已逾四十年,信譽佳,早期在台灣販售金屬與不導體電鍍藥品,因所販售的產品品質良好,價格合理,深獲廠商信賴,至1990年代開始與海外廠商接觸,包含德國,日本,馬來西亞,印尼,越南等國家。因應亞太地區遽增的客戶需求,本公司於2004年在中國廣東設立太湖行化工原料供應部。本公司所代理開發的藥品性能優越,可增加化學電鍍,電解電鍍流程的穩定性,確保工作環境安全,降低產品不良率,提高產能與產值。其中,SCR-9用於鉻酸粗化液,除降低不良率,更能抑制毒物產生;化學鎳不需添加氨水,改善工作環境空氣品質;硫酸銅光澤劑(AC-360)是經過研發改良後的三劑型,耐高溫且消耗量少,可使被鍍物表面如鏡面般光滑;沙丁鎳(Satin Nickel)是近年來電鍍界的新寵兒,顏色如珍珠又像綢緞,既可上金又可鍍銀,極具發展潛力;雷貝龍(Levelnon-Ni)的密著性與均一性極佳,用於長時間電鍍也能保持原鍍物表面的條紋砂點,使物品在電鍍後更充分展現表面立體質感。
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